ABAC Attributes
A simple guide to the Koverse Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) and Attributes
Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) is a powerful tool commonly utilized in Zero Trust environments to enhance data security and integrity. When applied as a blunt tool to an entire set of data it can lead to access provisions and restrictions both that are far too broad. Koverse has improved upon this core security principle by applying Zero Trust at the data level instead of the entire dataset. This allows access to be restricted directly at the data level itself, providing far more granular control over access to specific datasets and subsets of the same.
If using ABAC for your data, you will need to make that selection during upload or import.
Koverse utilizes two different Attribute Label Field types, linked below which you may review for additional details on each:
Select your Attribute Field you will use and input the name of that field as it appears in your data, separating multiple labels with commas.
Select how you would like to treat records with empty values.